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I am (A) tired I am weak, I am (E7) worn.
Through the (A) storm, through the (A7) night,
Lead me (D) on to the light.
Take my (A) hand precious Lord,
(E7) Lead me (A) home.
When my (A) way grows drear,
(A7) Precious (D) Lord linger near.
When my (A) life is almost (E7) gone,
Hear my (A) cry, hear my (AК) call,
(A7) Hold my (D) hand lest I fall.
(D7) Take my (A7) hand precious (B7) Lord,
(E7) Lead me (A) home.
When the darkness appears,
And the night draws near,
And the day is past and gone.
At the river I stand,
Guide my feet hold my hand,
Take my hand precious Lord,
Lead me home.