Music: J F Thrupp (1827-67)
Words: Bishop Reginald Heber (1783-1826)
From: Guitar Picker (

Brightest and Best

D              A           Bm          A     D
Bright-est and best of the Sons of the morn--ing, 
A7   D      A7   D        G    Em       A
Dawn on our dark-ness and lend us Thine aid; 
D           A7           Bm  E7    A     A7
Star of the East - the hor-i-zon a-dorn--ing, 
D               G           D    A     D
Guide where our in--fant re-deem-er is laid.  

Cold on His cra--dle the dew drops are shin--ing; 
Low lies His head - with the beasts of the stall; 
An-gels a dore - Him in slum-ber re-clin--ing, 
Ma-ker and Mon--arch and Sa-viour of all.
Shall we not yield - Him in cost-ly de-vo--tion, 
O-dors of E--dom and of-f'rings di-vine, 
Gems of the moun--tain, and pearls of the o--cean, 
Myrrh from the for--est and gold from the mine? 
Vain-ly we of--fer each am-ple o-bla--tion, 
Vain-ly with gifts - would His fa-vor se-cure; 
Rich-er by far - is the heart's a-dor-a--tion, 
Dear-er to God - are the prayers of the poor.

Bright-est and best of the Sons of the morn--ing, 
Dawn on our dark-ness and lend us Thine aid; 
Star of the East - the hor-i-zon a-dorn--ing, 
Guide where our in--fant re-deem-er is laid.  
